92,000 Vietnamese died from cancer each year.
80% of cancer patients are discovered at the end stage.
The best prevention is early and periodic cancer screening.
Vietnamese workers are quite indifferent about their health status. Getting to the hospital every time you get sick or have regular medical checkups is usually very small.




One Health Foundation aims to bring about the strong development of the community and especially the future generation, starting with a healthy life.
We are pleased to accompany DR.OH – General Hospital In Your Palm to organize a cancer screening program for workers.


Screening for cancer to detect cancer before symptoms appear. Cancer screening can be done through blood tests, urine tests or other tests, or through imaging diagnostics. The benefit of cancer screening is early detection for cancer prevention, care planning, health monitoring and preparation of treatment orientation, helping to increase one’s chances of winning cancer.


The companies we helped and sponsored the package:

+ Coc Coc Company

+ Diamond Media Media Company

+ BIDV Bank

+ Thuan Phuong Embroidery Garment Company

+ Larion company



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Transforming Lives Through Health, Education, and Environment: OneHealth Foundation Empowering Families, Youth, and Women for a Brighter Tomorrow.

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